project name



As We Melt is a reflection on future ceremonies and collective experiences in a digital world. The project dives into the loss of the sense of self, the notion of time and space, in a fictional and futuristic space where humans perform individually. In a moment of trans-humanisation, where humans go beyond their physical and intellectual limitations, becoming single and synchronised bodies.

The project is presented as a series of 6 images and an installation piece. The images were composed trough a photogrammetry software to generate 3D scans of the human body, becoming an archeology of the present but a projection of the future. I present these bodies as individual yet collective surrealistic sculptures. Unified bodies, that perform in an isolated world.

As We Melt raises questions on the relevance of rituals for humans and the development of our society as a collective.

Ceremony seen as a spiritual protocol that seeks to regulate and stabilise society, where humans share beliefs, ideal, values and social norms. May the abandonment of rituals lead to a social disintegration? In the absence of rituals, new guidelines for a new lifestyle would have to be constructed.

Consciously living in a period of social acceleration, individualisation and narcissism, would the construction of new myths be necessary to express a new sense of spirituality? How a ritual can translate from a physical to a digital world?

published by Gruppe Magazine
model Clara
styling Yann Steiner
wearing AWS

hairstylist Yumiko Hikage
makeup Lisa Michalik
studio Another-me

installation pictures ECAL / Jimmy Rachez